Author name: Jessica

July 2024 Newsletter

Hello Camden!
Greetings to all our valued community members and supporters. As we embrace the heart of summer, we’re thrilled to announce July as Friendship Month here at Camden Life Center. Speaking of Friendship
Month, come and celebrate the joy of companionship with us at a series of exciting events designed to bring friends together and create lasting memories.

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June 2024 Newsletter

Hello Camden!
Welcome to the June edition of the Camden LIfe Center Newsletter. We’ve been busy here at the CLC
and we just enjoyed our 4th Annual Wellness Day. It was great to partner with Camden Elementary
School for their Color Blast fun run and 5K for this year’s event. We got to meet lots of new people and
we hope you did too.

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May 2024 Newsletter

Hello Camden! Welcome to the May edition of the Camden Life Center newsletter! This month, we join organizations across the country in observing National Mental Health Awareness Month.
Mental health is essential to our overall well-being, yet many still face stigma and barriers to getting the care and support they need, especially in rural communities.

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March 2024 Newsletter

Hello Camden!

I hope this message finds you well. Spring is around the corner and despite the relatively mild winter, I am more than ready for the new growth and freshness that spring brings. It reminds me of my good friend’s Word of the Year a few years ago of “Bloom”. The expression “bloom where you’re planted” encourages me to take advantage of the opportunities in my life and be grateful for the present situation, even in circumstances that are not ideal.

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January 2024 Newsletter

Hello! And Happy 2024! The Camden Life Center wants to thank everyone who helped us make a difference in the lives of our neighbors in 2023. Through the generosity of the Camden community and the help of volunteers, the Camden Life Center has been able to help individuals and families with a growing number of services and supports over the last year.

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December 2023 Newsletter

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! A season of gathering with loved ones and a time of reflection, connection and giving. It can also be one of the most stressful seasons with multiple events, financial strain and family conflict. If you find yourself in a place of struggle, please reach out. There is help available.

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November 2023 Newsletter

Helloooo November!
It’s the first day of November as I sit here finishing the edits on our November newsletter and I’m currently watching light snow falling out of my office window. I’ve never been a fan of being cold and so sometimes my thoughts go to sadness about the winter hibernation ahead as I long for spring and sunshine to return. It was just a few years ago when I started to realize

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October 2023 Newsletter

I can not believe this is the 12th edition of our monthly newsletter! One whole year is done. It’s been an exciting adventure with many huge accomplishments along the way. From the purchase and renovation of our new offices at 20 Main Street, new staff, new partners and exciting visions for our future, all of it has been amazing to watch come together.

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