In Camden. Of Camden.
For Camden.
A partnership between Come to the Table Counseling and Center for Family Life and Recovery
What is the Camden Life Center?
The Camden Life Center is an impact center -this means we are a single location with multiple agencies coming together to act in their areas of strength for the maximum impact and overall benefit of our community. The Camden Life Center is a partnership between Come to the Table Counseling and Center for Family Life and Recovery. The primary goal is to inspire hope, provide help, promote wellness and transform lives with a focus of being in Camden, of Camden, for Camden.
What makes the Camden Life Center different?
The Camden Life Center is different because of its partnerships. Having access to many agencies with differing expertise all working together, you can be sure that you are getting all of the services that you want or need to help you move towards wellness. Having coordinated care between agencies means less frustration as you navigate different programs and services.
What help is already available?

Our History
Many have asked about the origins of the Camden Life Center. The initial dream and beginning steps of the Life Center began in December 2019 when friends decided to purchase 40 Main Street and offer the office space to Come to the Table Counseling to expand needed community services. No one could have anticipated that a conversation among friends about creating one building that houses “everything for real life” (#reallife) would grow and expand so quickly. Within two years and with partnerships with CareNet of CNY, AmeriCorps and Insights of Helio Health, the need for a new building quickly became a pressing issue.
Through the guidance and encouragement of the Community Foundation, Come to the Table Counseling and Center for Family Life and Recovery met to discuss shared desires to support rural communities. This partnership brings together a grassroots Camden initiative with an experienced leader in creating creative programming.
Our Vision
Empowering our rural community for a brighter tomorrow.
Our Mission
Fostering healthy, thriving families through thoughtful partnerships that prioritize locally defined needs, focusing on the strength of connectivity and community.
Our Values
● Create a welcoming environment: Deliver compassionate, high-quality person centered care
● Empower Individuals: Encourage hope and eliminate stigma
● Promote healing: Create a culture of continued learning and growth
● Focus locally: Provide care that meets the unique needs of our rural community
● Connect: Collaborate and connect with our community and service resources for the benefit of the community
● Be bold: Be courageous, persistent, flexible, and humble
What does it look like to walk out our vision and mission today?
The Camden Life Center’s mission is to foster healthy, thriving families through thoughtful partnerships that prioritize locally defined needs, focusing on the strength of connectivity and community. Today, that looks like providing services that offer help navigating the complex problems related to healthcare, parenting, aging, grief and other traumatic experiences. We provide a hand up to those needing help as well as provide opportunities for others to give back. We act as a resource and connector to:
● Mental health or addiction treatment services
● Trauma recovery supports
● Help navigating the complex world of services and resources for older adults
● Food supports like WIC, SNAP, Food $en$e and emergency food pantry
● Food School to help families increase their comfort in the kitchen to provide healthy, low cost meals.
● Heating and energy upgrades and savings programs
● Resources for our communities families and youth
● Caregiver support
● Recovery services
● Community education
How you help
To continue offering these vital services and expand our reach, we rely on the generosity of donors
like you. Your contribution can make a profound difference in the lives of those we serve. Please
consider donating today to support our mission and help us build a stronger, more connected
community. Every gift, no matter the size, makes an impact.